Monday, January 16, 2012

A pond of blue dots and thoughts of you

If I drew a blue dot on my hand
for each time
I have thought of you today
or written your name
on paper stacked high
upon my desk,
they would have joined up
hours ago and
become a bottomless pond.

An aquatic archive
of what my day is.

And, as minutes tick by
and the water gets deeper
I sink further
and further
into a pond of blue dots
and thoughts of you.
I do not swim against the tide.
I am powerless to even try
and I'm not sure I want to.


  1. Made I tearful.........and stopped my bustling Missus dead in her tracks....."Aaaaaaah" she sighed.......genius my son

  2. Mr Wright, you're a good wonderful man. Thanks for taking a look. Hurrah to you, and her and to all you are together.

  3. blue dots lol what??
