Friday, January 11, 2013

Faster Than Sound, New Perception EP Design

I designed and painted the EP cover for the Scandinavian SKA band Faster Than Sound. Here are the pictures of the finished EP which is on sale now. Check it out here.

Faster Than Sound, New Perception Front Cover
Back Cover
Inside. Please note my name. Twice.

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

One last time

It wasn't clear how his days would be
now he had climbed out from the inside
and left behind what was built from the ashes
of time that was never his.
He had grown stronger
than what had scared him then,
stuck between two versions of himself,
and with his hands gripped tight to each other
he closed his eyes,
counted five short breaths
and for one last time
thought back to when
even outside was too much.

Monday, January 07, 2013

From one to the next, onwards

I imagine it as a dog chasing its tail,
it running in great circles
until it was tired,
running still in spite of itself.
I should have stayed up until morning
watching it run
until the run became a whir
and I could hear time passing.
It was something different
and it didn't matter.