Its called and is, according to site Editor Shaun Usher, 'an attempt to gather and sort fascinating letters, postcards, telegrams, faxes, and memos.'
Last evening I spent two hours filing through pages and pages of them.
It made me sad that the art of letter writing is disappearing and it filled me with such heady, refreshing joy that something like this exists in the world. I think you should check it out.
The below is from the website. I almost wept reading it.
On August 5th of 1962, 36-year-old Marilyn Monroe was found dead at her home. The next day, the following unsent and seemingly unfinished letter, addressed to ex-husband Joe DiMaggio, was discovered at her desk, folded up in her address book. It is thought they were planning to remarry.
Dear Joe,
If I can only succeed in making you happy — I will have succeeded in the bigest and most difficult thing there is — that is to make one person completely happy. Your happiness means my happiness.
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