I wrote this yesterday in hopes that something would happen...
40 years ago today the 1st man landed on the moon. Since then space travel has advanced tremendously but no trip has captured the publics imagination as much as 1969s. More than 1,000,000 people travelled to NASA to watch the rocket take off. I so want to have been a part of that. So that I can have the "Where were you when...?" story like my Dad does. Instead I have the "Where were you 40 years on...?" story. For the record I was on my bedroom floor watching Brothers and Sisters on TV. The sky was too cloudy to see the stars. I tried looking to see if the moon was celebrating but I couldn't see. It felt upsetting somehow & I was let down. I thought they'd be a celebration perhaps.
...Maybe I'll dream about a marvellous moon spectacle in honour of Apollo 11,...maybe.
There's something very beautiful about this post...