Friday, July 24, 2009

My experiences with Cyndi Lauper

Cyndi Lauper came to me one time. In a typical New York tone she asked me what the fuck I was looking at and after I reminded her that she had come to me, she smiled, called me a prick and playfully punched my arm.
Cyndi and I had that kind of relationship, where you could never be quite sure where you stood. It was OK. I knew what I was getting myself in for and it never much mattered to me how she treated me anyhow, I just wanted to be around her.
"Cyndi and I are friends, she gets me." I'd tell anybody that'd listen. "Trouble is we're both so busy."
Truth be told, I'd only met her three times but I knew what we felt transcended time, that nothing meant anything before.
Before her.
Before us.
Before this.
Cyndi Lauper changed my life.
She gave me my smile back.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

July 20th 2009, 9.56pm

I wrote this yesterday in hopes that something would happen...
40 years ago today the 1st man landed on the moon. Since then space travel has advanced tremendously but no trip has captured the publics imagination as much as 1969s. More than 1,000,000 people travelled to NASA to watch the rocket take off. I so want to have been a part of that. So that I can have the "Where were you when...?" story like my Dad does. Instead I have the "Where were you 40 years on...?" story. For the record I was on my bedroom floor watching Brothers and Sisters on TV. The sky was too cloudy to see the stars. I tried looking to see if the moon was celebrating but I couldn't see. It felt upsetting somehow & I was let down. I thought they'd be a celebration perhaps.
...Maybe I'll dream about a marvellous moon spectacle in honour of Apollo 11,...maybe.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Farrah way, my dreams became real

I miss Farrah Fawcett far more than I thought I would. Life seems different somehow. In remembrance I'm considering recreating the most sold poster of all time. I just want to be a part of something magical.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Abraham and me

On the death of Abraham Lincoln, "Now he belongs to the ages."
-Edwin Stanton, 7.22am, April 15th 1865. I want this too.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Space travel makes my heart flutter

I've been thinking alot about Apollo 8 recently. How those guys orbited the moon and changed the way that we viewed our possibilities as people. How they made it exciting to ask 'What am I capable of?' rather than us asking it with trepidation and uncertainty.

The images of the earth rising over the moon enthralled a generation, made us feel, in equal measures, so big and so small, like there was something beyond us worth fighting to achieve.

I looked up at the moon yesterday and felt nothing but hope. Hope that I could make something happen. Hope that life will be as exciting as Apollo 8. Hope that I will discover new worlds.
We should look at the sky more often and be open to our capabilities as people.

Winona and Marc

When Winona Ryder stole those Marc Jacobs socks, she stole my heart.
I want to feel the way Winona Ryder felt when she stole those Marc Jacobs socks.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Breakfast club envy.

I want to be a member of The Breakfast Club...or at the very least have my hair look like Molly Ringwalds. When I saw her face my heart melted and my hightops wanted to run to her. I checked my swatch watch and called reverse charge on my burger phone, listening for anybody who could get me closer to Molly Ringwald, the teen queen of the 80s elite....

Friday, July 10, 2009

Everything I've wanted to be since then

I existed once. Watch my film at and be ready to have your mind blown. Or at the very least laugh a little and confront your own fears.
Also check out my brand new film-Especially for you- at
Its really worth while.
Macaulay Culkin should make a comeback, or at least write a book. I'd like to look like him.

Initial Thomatron

In the hopes that I may become more interesting I have decided to jump aboard the Blog train and ride it until the wheels come off (or at least get a little wobbly.)
Here you will find my work, my ideas, my mind and any indecent witticisms that happen to drip from my lips, penetrating the keys on my keyboard.
I will not talk about cricket.
I will not talk about dried meats.
I will not talk about Canada.